Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) are measures implemented to protect people gathering in crowded places. Our managers and teams work with expert HVM consultants to plan for type and location of suitable infrastructure and coordinate the precise positioning in an efficient manner that is supported by the traffic plan.
We can recommend a Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) expert consultant and will work with that expert to devise plans based on their advice. The expert consultant would meet with the client onsite to determine the scope and potential risks in order to prepare a HVM Assessment. This is integrated into the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) or Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) as required.
Once plans have been examined by agencies and the event is approved our managers will work with suppliers to coordinate the delivery of infrastructure and communicate when delivery has taken place for expert consultants to sign off to ensure placement is as per plan.
The coordination of HVM placement with the TMP is essential synergy since the only way to place HVM safely and efficiently is within the TMP. We have successfully assisted the implementation of HVM on virtually all events that we have worked on that require HVM. There are many types of HVM and we can advise the most effective ways of implementation.
For a confidential discussion on the HVM process for your event, please feel free to call and speak with one of our managers.