Each event has a distinctive set of logistical requirements for it to operate successfully. Be it a street fair, art installation, a triathlon, film or cultural festival, red carpet opening night, cycle or school fun run, our 25 years of assisting all kinds of events and major film productions in Sydney, greater NSW and Canberra means we are unique in our ability to assist event management in a wide variety of ways :
Our managers are problem solvers and very experienced at event management. We can deal with councils and stakeholders to gain approval and permits for your event, organise event signage placement, order and place any other infrastructure including Variable Message Signs, Waterfilled Barriers, Fencelines and coordinate and manage the placement of stall holders for the most effective utilsation of space and people flow.
Do your volunteers need briefing ? VIP vehicles parked ? We can manage your entire event or work with your event managers to support them by managing any particular component.